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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 

Meet the team

Mr Spencer - Class Teacher

Miss Kealey - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Parrish - 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Summer 2

Class Saint - St. Maximilli-an Kolbe


Baptism and Confirmation

In this unit the children will learn about the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. They will explore the signs and symbols of both these Sacraments and will hear about the gift of the Holy Spirit being given in the celebration of these Sacraments.

Belonging to the Church Community

In this unit of work the children will learn about the

foundations of the life and teaching of the Catholic Church being rooted in the life and teaching of the Apostles. The children will learn about the role of the Pope and local Bishop in the life of the universal and local Church. They will also explore the life of the local parish community where the faith of God’s People is nourished and celebrated.


Class Texts




For this half term, the children will be taking part in a deepening program of physical activities. Making the most of the improving weather, children will be taking part in Rounders and Cricket. In order to do this, children will explore the rules and etiquette of both sports whilst enhancing their hand-eye coordination with reflective catching activities. Children will ultimately could this progression of skills until they can conduct and referee their own games independently. 

PE Sessions will take place every Friday

An additional PE take place throughout the week. Please ensure that PE kit is in school from Monday to Friday.   


Daily Maths and Literacy set each day

Two pieces of homework (Maths or English as well as one foundation subject) will be handed out on a Thursday and should be completed and handed in on the following Monday. *This may be completed on Teams or within weekly homework books.


Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc. 

Thursday 6th June- Liverpool War Museum

Y6 Mass 12th June

Saturday 15th June Confirmation Mass

17th July Year 6 Leavers Mass

19th July Year 6 Leavers Assembly


New Website Links

Hit the Button – mental maths practise

Times table practise

Spelling, punctuation and grammar practise