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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 

Meet the team

Mr Spencer - Class Teacher

Mrs Butler - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Parrish - 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Autumn 1

Class Saint - St. Josephine Bakhita

A4 Poster of St Josephine Bakhita – Catholic Shop


The Story of the People of God

In this unit children will be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the structure of the Bible and the forms of literature that are found in the different books. The children will be introduced to stories of significant people in the Old Testament. They will discover what some of these stories tell us about their relationship with God.


This unit outlines some key beliefs about the creation of human beings and the creation of the world. It introduces the children to the story of creation as a way of explaining that God is creator, rather than a re-telling of the order of the created world. It will help teachers to reflect with the children on their God given talents and living their lives in response to the teaching of Christ.


Class Texts


The Year 6 class text for this half term is Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson.



This half term, the children have the opportunity to enhance their swimming abilities. This will be taking place on a Tuesday. Please make sure that children have their P.E. kit within school from Monday to Friday as the children will have opportunity for physical activity that will focus on a range of strength, fitness and “discipline-specific” skill based sessions, advancing based on progression across the term.



Daily Maths and Literacy set each day

Two pieces of homework (Maths or English as well as one foundation subject) will be handed out on a Thursday and should be completed and handed in on the following Monday. *This may be completed on Teams or within weekly homework books.

Spellings and Times tables are tested on a Friday and will be essential to children’s mathematical progression towards the Standardised Assessment Tests.


Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc. 

School open to all children Wednesday 4th September

*Further dates regarding Target Information Evening and Stanley Head Information will be published within week 1 of the half term.


New Website Links

Hit the Button – mental maths practise

Times table practise

Spelling, punctuation and grammar practise