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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Meet the team

Miss Lynch - Class teacher

Miss Kealey - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hartley - 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Summer 2

Class Saint - St. Therese of Lisieux


In RE this half term, we will be understanding the role played by the Apostles in proclaiming the Good News.

We will also be looking at two significant Sacraments of Commitment in the Church; Marriage and Holy Orders.


Class Texts


This half term, the children will have dance on Thursdays and P.E on Mondays.

However, full school PE kit will be needed in all week, as lessons may change dependent on the weather.

The children will take part in a range of athletics events and also team games such as rounders.


Homework Expectations



Children will continue to receive daily Maths and Literacy homework,

which is to be completed each night.

 On Thursdays, children will receive one piece of either Maths or English homework plus

one piece of homework linked to a foundation subject (Art, Science, MFL, Computing, Music,

Geography, History etc). 

This will be due in on the following Tuesday.


Class Diary

Keep an eye out on the messenger for any specific dates.