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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Meet the team

Miss Mills - Class teacher

Mrs Fenton - Higher Learning Teaching Assistant

Miss Birks - Support Assistant 

Summer 2

Class Saint - St. Joseph, the worker


Old Testament Moses – King David

Special Roles and Responsibilities

  • To know and recall in words, actions and writing the stories studied in this unit.
  • Understand that God chose and called Moses and David for special tasks.
  • They will recognise that God protected his people and that in the Psalms of David we find images of God caring for and protecting his people.
  • They will understand that through the anointing with the Oil of Chrism in the Sacraments, Christians celebrate and respond to God’s call in their lives today.


Class Texts


This half-term PE will take place on Monday and Thursday. The focus for this half-term will be netball and rounders.


Daily Homework

  • Daily Maths homework will be four questions practising the four basic operations. They should be completed and returned daily.
  • Daily English homework will support the development and enrichment of vocabulary. Words will be taken from class texts or stories read in school. They should be completed and returned daily.

Weekly Homework

  • Children will receive two pieces weekly.
  • One piece of work will be English or Maths and rotated on a weekly basis.
  • One piece of homework will be based on learning in the wider curriculum. It will focus on either Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, French, Computing or PSHE (these subjects will be rotated on a weekly basis).
  • This homework will be handed out on Thursday and to be handed in on the following Tuesday.

Reading Diaries

  • Children are encouraged to read at home daily (for at least 20 minutes) and are expected to have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 times a week.

Times Tables

  • Times Tables should be practised regularly. Children are tested on their times tables every Friday.


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