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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Meet the team

Miss Gilbert - Class Teacher

Mrs Massey - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lindop - 1:1 support

Autumn 1

Class Saint - St Teresa of Calcutta


Old Testament Stories

  • Know that there are two parts to the Bible.
  • Know stories about different people in the Old Testament who were called into friendship with God and recognise that psalms are special songs to praise and thank God.
  • Understand that in the Old Testament we can discover some important images of God for Christians today.

Parables and Miracles

  • Have a greater understanding of the messages contained in the parables of Jesus and what the miracles tell us about him.
  • Reflect on the importance of praying for and anointing those who are sick today.


Class Texts


Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Book? – Lauren Child

Frog and Toad Together – Arnold Lobel



PE will be on Thursday and Friday, however we would like PE kits to be kept in school all week.


  • Demonstrate changes of direction, level and speed,
  • Repeat and perform sequences with increasing difficulty
  • Develop the fundamentals of movement – jog, jump, hop, weight on hands and balance)

Homework/Reading Expectations

Daily Homework

Daily Maths homework will be four questions practicing the four basic operations. They should be completed and returned daily.

Daily English homework will support the development and enrichment of vocabulary. Words will be taken from class texts or stories read in school. Homework will be given on a Monday and collected on a Friday.

Weekly Homework

Children will receive one piece from either Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Computing or PSHE (these subjects will be rotated on a weekly basis).

Homework is handed out on a Monday and handed in on Friday.

Reading Diaries

Children are encouraged to read at home daily (for at least 20 minutes) and are expected to have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 times a week.


Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc.

Please take a look at the messenger for any upcoming dates/class trips.