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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Meet the team

Miss Wainwright - Class Teacher

Miss Towers - Teaching Support Assistant

Summer 2

Class Saint - St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Our Church

In this unit the children will learn about and have a greater understanding of the roles and responsibilities of members of the Church. They will be about to interpret some of the symbols and artefacts of the Church. They will also learn about and understand the origins of the Church that are found in the teaching of the Apostles.

The Mass

In this unit the children will learn about and have a greater understanding of the signs, actions and symbols of the mass. The children will be able to explain the importance of this celebration in the lives of people today.


Class Texts


PE will take place on Tuesdays.

  • The children will be doing cricket where they will continue to practice their ball handling skills.
  • The children will practice holding a cricket bat in the correct way and understand how this helps them when playing.
  • We will be practicing batting skills and catching skills

The children will be working towards playing a game of cricket together.

Homework/Reading Expectations

Daily Homework

  • Daily Maths homework will be four questions practicing the four basic operations. They should be completed and returned daily.
  • Daily English homework will support the development and enrichment of vocabulary. Words will be taken from class texts or stories read in school. Homework will be given on a Monday and collected on a Friday.

Weekly Homework

  • Children will receive one piece from either RE, Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Computing or PSHE (these subjects will be rotated on a weekly basis).
  • Homework is handed out on a Thursday and should be completed and handed in by the following Tuesday.

Readings Books

  • Children will bring home a reading book matched to their individual reading level- this should be read by the child to someone at home every day. Books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Children in Year 2, when ready, will move on to using the Accelerated Reader scheme. Books will again be matched to your child’s reading ability. Children can logon to the platform at school once they have read their book at home and take a quiz on it, which will earn them points towards their reading target. This is to develop children’s understanding and comprehension skills. Once your child is accessing Accelerated Reader , books will be changed once a quiz has been completed rather than on a set day.

Reading Diaries

  • Children are encouraged to read at home daily (for at least 20 minutes) and are expected to have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 times a week. Diary check will take place on a Monday (reading from the previous weekend will be taken into account.)


  • Children will have daily spelling lessons in class. However, there will no longer be weekly spelling tests/ spellings sent home for pupils to learn.

Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc.

Please take a look at the messenger for any upcoming dates/class trips.