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Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium

The Government believes that Pupil Premium is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle the disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it the most.


The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months, and children of service children personnel.

During this academic year, 2024/2025, the school will receive £67,688.00 in pupil premium money. Due to this, we employ a teacher for ½ day a week and give them the responsibility of coordinating Pupil Premium throughout the school (Mrs Statham, can be contacted for any queries related to how the school spends its resources). Each class has a designated time – a minimum of 2 hours per day – devoted to ensuring that pupil premium children are supported in accessing quality first teaching under the direct deployment of the class teacher (£40,612.80) and, where appropriate, delivering interventions (£13,537.60). Meaning that £54,150.40 will be spent directly raising the attainment of our pupil premium pupils.

In addition to this, financial support will be given to those children who are entitled to pupil premium with educational visits, after school clubs and peripatetic music lessons.

The school uses an Education Welfare Officer to support the families of children in receipt of pupil premium with attendance. 

Children are also benefitting from access to a Younger Minds counsellor providing 1:1 sessions. 

In 2023/2024 the school received £48,040 in pupil premium money. Due to this, we employ a teacher for ½ day a week and give them the responsibility of coordinating Pupil Premium throughout the school (Mrs Statham can be contacted for any queries related to how the school spends its resources) (£5379). Each class had designated time – a minimum of 2 hours per day – devoted to ensuring that pupil premium children were supported in accessing quality first teaching under the direct deployment of the class teacher and where appropriate delivering interventions (£31, 347). Meaning that £36, 726 was spent directly raising the attainment of our pupil premium pupils. In addition to this, financial support is given for those children who are entitled to pupil premium with educational visits, after school clubs and peripatetic music lesson.

Termly monitoring of FSM children ensures that any areas of concern are identified quickly and strategies put into place to address any areas of concern.

If you would like any further information on how St. Mary’s utilises its pupil premium money then please contact the school office.