Children`s University
What is the Children’s University?
The Children’s University (CU) promotes social mobility by providing high quality, exciting and innovative extra-curricular activities to children and young people up to the age of 14 years.
The impact of these activities is proven to be positive, which is why we are committed to creating a level playing field of opportunity and opening up access to children of all backgrounds.
Staffordshire Children’s University is managed by Staffordshire University.
How does it work?
The children gain ‘credits’ for learning time spent outside of the learning classroom. All learning destinations’ have to be affiliated with the Children’s University. All after school clubs at St Mary’s are affiliated with the Children’s University. If your child attends a club outside of school who are affiliated with the Children’s University, please let us know so that we can include their credits on their passports. If your child’s organisation is not affiliated and would like to, they can register on line
At the end of the academic year, if the children have accumulated enough credits, they will have the opportunity to take part in a graduation ceremony. This has always been a fantastic and positive experience for the children and their families.
In order to graduate the children need to accumulate enough credits:
Bronze award = 30 credits
Silver award = 65 credits
Gold award = 100 credits
Bronze certificate = 130 credits
Silver Certificate = 165 credits
Gold Certificate = 200 credits
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